MVPs for Friday October 27th

Ah, you Most Valuable POSTers, where would my Fridays be without you? I THANK you for adding such value to the blogosphere and to my week. It’s because of you that blogging is such a grand, grand thing!

With my renewed focus on product development, I have taken my precious little reading time and spent it solely on things that will 1) Help me build awesome products and services that will create an impact and 2) Bring in revenue! To that end, the posts have helped the most on this topic are… [d.r.u.m.r.o.l.l . p.l.e.a.s.e…]

For anyone who is writing an eBook, book, presentation, or /fill in your writing project here/, Kathy Sierra wrote an astonishingly good post entitled Better Beginnings: How to Start a Presentation, Book, Article… (she writes astonishinly good posts a lot of the time, anyway - I just found this one to be extra-special-astonishingly good). Some good Ah-Ha’s for me were her oh-so-wise reminders:

  • If you have to TELL your audience that they should care, you’re screwed.
  • You already HAVE credibility going in… you don’t have to earn it, you just have to make sure you don’t lose it.
  • And the biggest “I should have thought of that one” was Do NOT start at the beginning!

Brian Clark at CopyBlogger wrote a GREAT post on bullet points. Bullet Points?! Well, if you don’t know why bullet points are so important, then go read the post to…

  • Understand exactly why bullets are so effective and how they can influence your readers to take action
  • Ensure the most important message of your piece is actually read
  • Create a hypnotic fascination within your readers, steering them to read everything you wrote
  • Ensure everything you have learned from Brian on sales copywriting actually helps you make the sale

While enjoying myself at CopyBlogger, I was reminded that I have been meaning to check out Bob Bly’s blog, who is practically the Copywriting King. I was so glad to finally do this, and get the chance to study his writing style. I was fascinated to see his mastery of the use of questions. The use of questions, you ask?

Could the reason he is sooooo good be because he doesn’t tell you things?

How is it more influential to get you to tell yourself things?

How can you use the power of questions in your own blog, to engage your readers at a deeper level than ever before?

And what can you learn from these three copywriting greats that will absolutely ensure that you to take your business and your blogs to new levels of success as you apply what they teach?

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