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Make Time For A Hobby


Take a minute to think about a hobby of yours that you have actively pursued in the last month.

Am I the only one that is struggling to think of that hobby?

Unless I want to consider things like doing laundry and helping the kids with their homework as a hobby, I am not sure that I can tell you when the last time was that I actively pursued one of my hobbies.

What Is A Hobby?

Before going too much further, it may be worthwhile to discuss the definition of a hobby.

Taking a look at Wikipedia, we see the definition of a hobby as:

…a spare-time recreational pursuit. Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward.

This is a pretty good definition of what constitutes a hobby, although each person will likely have their own slightly unique interpretation.

As an example, my own interpretation of this definition is that a hobby is an activity that I pursue beyond the time I spend with my family. While some may consider an activity such as playing with the kids as a hobby, I consider that to be an integral part of my life and that takes precedence over my hobbies.

The reason that I mentioned not knowing when the last time I pursued one of my hobbies, such as riding my motorcycle, is because I’ve been spending my time outside of work trying to enjoy the last bit of summer with my family.

Why Are Hobbies Important?

As nice as it sounds to have a hobby, there are times when it seems like you just don’t have enough time in the day to pursue a hobby. Does that mean you should just ignore your hobbies?

Absolutely not!

Hobbies are a very important part of your life and can bring a great deal of enjoyment and help keep your body and mind strong. Consider the following potential benefits of having a hobby in your life:

  • Meet new people. Depending on your hobby, you may have the opportunity to meet new people and with the importance of networking this is always a good thing.
  • Reduce stress. When you take time to involve yourself in an enjoyable activity, you will find that you often lose track of your worries and live in the moment.
  • Have fun. Life is too short to always be worrying about work or other concerns. Hobbies provide an opportunity to laugh, get a little crazy and recharge.

As you think about the hobbies that you enjoy, be sure to make an effort to set aside a little time each day, each week or each month to pursue your hobby.

Today I will be making the time to enjoy one of my hobbies and there is a good chance that as you are reading this post, I’ll be cruising down the road on my motorcycle!

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    On September 26th, 2007 at 12:32 pm, Brown Baron said:

    The way things are right now, sleep is my favorite hobby heh. Seriously though, a hobby is important because you recharge your batteries, and you get some quality time with yourself.

    On September 26th, 2007 at 1:37 pm, Carol Rice said:

    I totally agree with the Hobby advice Derek, and I hope you enjoyed your ride, and that you take another one tomorrow :-) Several months ago I started training for a half-marathon and 10 days ago I crossed the finish line. Regardless of the triumph I felt crossing the finish line, the training and getting ready for this event infused me with energy and confidence that spilled over into every area of my life. When I tell my kids they can do anything, they believe me. I believe it was healthy for them to see me carve time out of our busy lives (usually 5:00 a.m.) to do something I love. So if you can’t start a hobby and feel pulled taking time for yourself that way… think of what your example will do for those around you that you love. Now I’m off to make a book (with my company www.CherishBound.com) out of my half-marathon experiences… another hobby I love.

    On September 26th, 2007 at 6:34 pm, Kelvin Kao said:

    For many people blogging is a hobby, unless they are doing it professionally, that is.

    My hobby has always been this puppetry stuff…

    On September 26th, 2007 at 9:47 pm, Derek Semmler said:

    @Brown Baron :: Lol, I’d like to have sleep as a hobby but lately I haven’t been getting nearly enough sleep. Thanks for the feedback!

    @Carol :: Wow, I give you a ton of credit for completing a half-marathon. You make a great point about setting an example for your children, as I posted the other day we are role models to our children and they learn from our example. BTW, I did enjoy my ride - it was great to get out and relax.

    @Kelvin :: I thought about listing blogging as a hobby of mine but I am earning money so I didn’t include that. Your puppetry hobby looks pretty cool, thanks for mentioning it!

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