The Internet Home Business Magazine for Moms & Dads

Why I do Monday Motivation


Monday MotivationI have a confession to make. I really don’t like doing Monday Motivation. A lot of you skip over these posts and don’t seem to like it either. The truth of the matter is that without Monday Motivation, I would likely answer only 20% of my emails - which is seriously NOT a great way to run an internet business. And last week even that wasn’t enough and I drank tea all week. :(

The reason I continue this tradition (despite my not enjoying it and you not enjoying it)  is the same reason I started this blog as a hobby back in April of 2006 - because I know how hard it is sometimes to stay focused and productive while working from home. And procrastination is all to easy when there is no boss to hold you accountable.

So even though we don’t like Monday Motivation, in reality, the accountability and productivity really is critical to our continued success. So whether you participate in it here, or find other ways to get ‘er done, I do advocate just that :: getting it done.

So here’s the Monday Motivation drill:

Step 1 - let us know what you are going to get done today (your to-do list, so to speak).

Step 2 - put it in a comment below or a post on your own site.

Step 3 - let us know what will motivate you to get it done - a reward, consequences, or whatever you need to think that will ensure you do what you say you are going to do. I’ve found that the public announcement and accountability is a particularly great motivator, but throw down consequences if you really need a kick in the pants to get stuff done!

Today before I go to sleep I will complete one big ugly task - getting through the 437 emails in my inbox from the last two weeks (embarrassing.)

Leverage :: If I don’t get it done, I will send $100 to a random commenter from the day (since Christmas is a week away, I can honestly say I really don’t want to spend my kids’ gift money on a sorry excuse for procrastinating)

And what are you going to get done today?

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    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:05 pm, Char said:

    I haven’t got around to getting my MM post up yet (thanks to spending the whole morning at the Dr. with a sick kid), but I will - not because I want to, but because it helps keep me on track like you said.

    Here’s hoping you get through it all!

    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:19 pm, Helene said:

    I appreciate your ongoing Monday Motivation posts. I know they exist and they force me to set and accomplish a goal every Monday, which might not otherwise happen!

    Today I’m going to write the text for a new marketing postcard.

    Thanks Wendy!
    Helene Taylor

    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:19 pm, lornadoone said:

    I guess I’m sort of the oddity (not a big surprise there!) because I kind of like these Monday Motivation posts. I have a few things that I really need to get done today, and I’m already behind schedule!

    1. Write Bloggers Unite posts for two different blogs

    2. Write three articles for client

    2. Finish and email tag line suggestions for another client

    3. Apply for the position

    4. Gather all addresses for shower invitations

    There are several other things on my to-do list, but these are the ones that I *must* get done today.

    If I don’t, then I’ll get up at 7 a.m. all week to be sure I have plenty of time to get everything finished.

    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:37 pm, workout mommy said:

    I actually like your MM post because it always motivates me to get my own things done. (although, I never have consequences—which could be why my list is always a mile long!)

    My email box is ALWAYS full though and it drives me crazy….so that is on my list for today. I will empty/sort/and reply until it is done.


    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:42 pm, James Chartrand - JCM Enterprises said:

    I’m confused - you don’t like MM, the readers don’t like MM, but you continue having the MM posts because you want to be accountable to a promise made in the past despite the fact that situations have changed?

    This makes no sense to me… So I’m curious to have the logic behind, “We all hate this; let’s keep doing it,” explained. :)

    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:51 pm, Wendy Piersall said:

    ROFL James, when you put it like that, it does sound a little strange!

    I only mean that when you run a business, there will ALWAYS be things you have to do that you don’t necessarily like doing. And without some kind of extra motivation in place, that stuff might not get done, to the detriment of your business.

    Without Monday Motivation, I would probably let some tasks slide that really need to get completed. So even though it’s no fun, it is good for business. :)

    On December 17th, 2007 at 1:55 pm, James Chartrand - JCM Enterprises said:

    Oh. That makes sense. Sounds like the proactive version of my to-do list that tends to grow longer every day but stagnate on the productivity side :)

    Still won’t get me to do an MM though… lol

    On December 17th, 2007 at 2:04 pm, Ria Kennedy said:


    I LOVE Monday Motivation. I look forward to it as an inspiration to join in with people to all get together and kick butt. I may not always post, but I actually feel I get more done more energetically knowing it’s Monday Motivation.

    Me today?

    Goal: Get guidelines. (Done.)

    Goal: Finalize stories for book. (Done.)

    Goal: Finalize blog. (Done.)

    Goal: Discuss cover art.

    Goal: Read first drafts of last 2 stories/get feedback.

    Goal (Week): Rework stories and apply edits.

    Goal (Week): Organize into anthology.

    Goal (Week): Review and finalize anthology.

    Reward: Why so much? I am trying to get the book done by 12-23 so I can let it sit and re-review Jan. 1, 2008.

    So rock on MM, you make me make it a reality and not just a pipe dream.

    On December 17th, 2007 at 2:35 pm, Lori said:

    I think that’s a great way to get yourself motivated.

    By keeping the MM tradition alive, you are showing others what keeping your word really means. BUT, I do think, if it’s as unwelcomed as you make it sound, then you should quit MM. While I don’t regularly comment, I do read through the reader and have always enjoyed MM.
    My list:
    Wrap presents
    bathe little man
    cook supper
    pick up oldest from detention (because he was flirting with a girl!)
    pack for funeral
    update blogs

    On December 17th, 2007 at 5:38 pm, Colby said:

    I like the idea of a MM! i need help getting my day organized :)

    today i am going to finish sewing the arms and legs for the dolls that are on my worktable and I am going to finish painting my doe and fawn set :)

    If i don’t finish my tasks i am going to forgo my hair appt (which i really need!) and instead i will do my sons chores that day :(

    On December 17th, 2007 at 5:52 pm, swirlingnotions said:

    I’m glad you do it! Although I have a sort of funny list today, in that it involved sleep. I’ve been sick for several weeks and can’t seem to shake it (my hub too).

    Today, after I dropped Noe off at daycare and came home ready to dig in at 8:30 (already several cups of coffee into it), I could barely keep my eyes open. So despite everything in me screaming that I had to get to work and that I was SOOOO behind (hence my lapse in visits) in EVERYTHING because I’ve been so sick, I thought, “the most important thing I can do today is give my body what it needs.” And that, then, was sleep. So I slept until almost noon.

    Not exactly what I’d normally have on my Monday Motivation list, but I feel I nneed motivation to take care of myself, so it actually fits.


    On December 17th, 2007 at 7:06 pm, Karen Putz said:

    I don’t like the MM either, but I find myself getting inspired when I come here on Mondays.

    My tasks today are:

    Finish the chapter on Online Family Support for my non-profit organization.

    Add four more links to a new blog on deaf and hard of hearing in careers.

    Turn in the contract for a new freelance job.

    Clear out over a hundred emails today.

    And that’s it, then I’m heading to bed!

    On December 17th, 2007 at 8:16 pm, Lisa said:

    Hi there,

    I love any kind of motivation! It’s so hard to stay focused especially with an online business. I’m allll over the place. So, my goals for this week is to stay focused and write one post a day (to establish a routine). :)

    On December 17th, 2007 at 11:21 pm, shaz said:

    since i missed ‘today’, can i say what i’m doing for the week? i am going to:
    1) go to the gym 3 times!! (stress-relief!) :)
    2) finish 2 layout designs
    3) complete coding on 2 sites
    4) clean my kids bedroom (which is really folding all the clothes that are currently on their beds)

    does that seem too little for an entire week? :(

    On December 18th, 2007 at 1:35 am, Gina Maria said:

    Unfortunately, I don’t see the Monday Motivation until Tuesday (living in Germany these days) so I can’t ever remember to post my “Get it Done” list in time. Someday, I’ll make a schedule and stick to it…

    On December 18th, 2007 at 5:49 am, Dorothy Stahlnecker said:

    This is good stuff, it’s 6:44 am didn’t do half of what I planned last night..will finish late tonight..have a full day.

    Will write a post for you..we have to help you.

    will finish up things I said I would on my
    site grammology, we’re in the process of changing the layout as we speak.

    Will catch up on my filing. Boxes, baskets and piles are unorganized and becoming annoying.

    Will finish once again, The Secret, secretly I need to be recharged..Chicago didn’t help..just made me tired.

    Will promise to read more blogs which give me advice as to how to get more unique visitors to my site..I’m loosing ground and don’t know why.

    Wendy, I won’t send you any emails, I don’t want you to have a burn out..your too important to us emoms.

    Thanks for being here..Once again, glad I found you.

    Dorothy from grammology
    remember to call gram

    On December 18th, 2007 at 8:09 am, Bag Lady said:

    Since today is Tuesday, I’m behind on my Monday motivation. Yesterday I did the final handwork on 2 purses that were ordered last week and wrapped a mountain of Christmas gifts. I hope to finish my holiday baking today.

    Bag Lady

    On December 18th, 2007 at 2:14 pm, Suzanne - HomeBiz Direct said:

    Thanks. My target this week is to get up at 5 AM every day. Reward is that I will get to enjoy my weekend evenings without having to worry about work. Another reward - my family will be happy during the holiday season.


    On December 18th, 2007 at 8:35 pm, Genesis said:

    Ok, even though I´m reading this on Tuesday, I do like your MMs. I really should start to do them myself, because I could use a kick in the butt! Also, it´s nice to see a successful mom like you has to have some motivation, too!

    On December 19th, 2007 at 12:43 pm, Suzie Cheel said:

    It is not Monday, but I need to have what Zen to Done suggests 3 MIT’s so I move forward-
    1. Write a blog post
    2. Write and post the Xmas cards so they arrive in time for Xmas.
    3. Put all my to do’s into Simple GDT

    I am working through Leos’ Zen to Done so I will be a super organized person in 2008. I know it takes 30 days to create a new habit.

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