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Monday Motivation :: Kick Your Week Off Right


Monday MotivationThe only time I ever get sick is when I work too much - and I could hardly avoid it recently… but I thought I was in the clear when the new launch came and went and I was still healthy as can be. Well, despite the fact that I gave myself a ton of downtime over the last 4 days, I still came down with a cold. :’(

Yet, there is still one big project left in the wake of all this work:

775 emails still require my attention.

Goodness, I hate the sound of that.

So I need a little Monday Motivation to trudge through this inbox disaster - but since I’m trying to still also get healthy, I won’t be committing to much else today. Honestly, the feeling of having that inbox empty should be better for my health than a heavy dose of antibiotics at this point, anyway!

So you may be wondering what the heck is Monday Motivation, anyway?

Step 1 - let us know what you are going to get done today (your to-do list, so to speak).

Step 2 - put it in a comment below or a post on your own site.

Step 3 - let us know what will motivate you to get it done - a reward, consequences, or whatever you need to think that will ensure you do what you say you are going to do. I’ve found that the public announcement and accountability is a particularly great motivator, but throw down consequences if you really need a kick in the pants to get stuff done!

Today before I go to sleep I will:

  • Respond to every email requiring a response! Sorry everyone that it’s taken me so long to get back to you!!!

If I don’t get this done I will go without coffee for a week. That’s my scariest motivator of all!

So what are you going to get done today?

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    On September 17th, 2007 at 10:26 am, lornadoone said:

    Today I will:

    1. Attend my second yoga class
    2. Order that darned book
    3. Post to both blogs
    4. Attend my first Bradley Method birthing class
    5. Work on the book I’m making for my sister

    If I don’t accomplish all of these things, I will get up an hour early tomorrow and scrub the dining room floor on my hands and knees. (Because it really needs it, but I keep not putting it on my to-do list!)

    On September 17th, 2007 at 10:39 am, Melissa Garrett said:

    GASP! Going without coffee for even a day would be enough to motivate me to do just about anything!

    Today I have to clean the basement :-O

    If I don’t do it, I will have to live with the humiliation of my in-laws seeing it when they come over!!

    On September 17th, 2007 at 10:59 am, Hot Librarian said:

    I don’t usually participate in Monday motivation because my Mondays are so busy, I don’t even SEE this post until Tuesday! But today I’m on the ball. Today I will:

    1. Make enchiladas so the fam has dinner while I’m at work tonight
    2. Wash 2 loads of laundry and a load of diapers
    3. Hang those diapers outside to dry
    4. Address the stagnant blog situation
    5. Finish cleaning the office/guest room

    If I don’t accomplish all of these things? I will give up my nice post-dinner glass of wine for a whole week.

    On September 17th, 2007 at 10:51 pm, Aaron said:

    Can I just eat lasagna all day like Garfield?

    I WILL get these tasks completed today:

    1. Post at least twice on my business blog
    2. Post at least once on my parenting blog
    3. Set in motion some form of free marketing tactic for each site
    4. Take my nearly 3-week-overdue library books back (I love to support my local library through fines, what can I say?)
    5. Spend some time relaxing after spending the whole weekend catching up after last week’s schedule was orphaned in favor of meeting some new clients

    Cheers to the theme update and business growth, too, Wendy! Looks great.

    On September 18th, 2007 at 12:26 am, Suzie Cheel said:

    Get well Wendy,
    I didn’t see this earlier today and came over here to check something out and then was going to send you an email:)
    Tuesday in Australia and having one of those days where I have totally lost it so going to go to Yoga to regain some balance,
    That will be enough for my motivation today

    On September 18th, 2007 at 7:40 am, NSBMOM said:

    I missed Monday but my Tuesday is to get my office relocated from one room to another and clean off my desk…one will make the other happen.

    On September 18th, 2007 at 8:42 am, Mother Earth said:

    when my daughter is in a play it’s 6 weeks of rigor and work in addition to school - being that she was in 7 last year it was really hard to watch her crash after each and every play - the only thing she didn’t do last year differently was take her vitamins. When the pattern unfolded she was very aware that she could have done something about it - we call it our nutritional tool box - what are the nutritional tools that you have on hand when your working so hard you can’t see straight? This is my area of expertise and I’d be honored share with you what I know. Not particularly trying to be solicitious - it’s painful to watch or be part of the crash.

    maternally and otherwise

    Mother Earth

    PS I need another Monday - can we do it again - it rocked.

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    1. T.G.I. Monday on September 24th, 2007 at 5:02 am

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