MVPs for Friday August 25th

Most Valuable Posts of the week roundup!

Darren Rowse and Eric Allam earn the buzz award for the week for launching the ProBlogger Job Boards. Even more interesting was tracking the buzz around the project. Two posts worthy of note discuss the launch, but also add a slew of additional resources for making money off of your blog:

Easton Ellsworth over at Business BlogWire pulls together a fantastic list of additional resources for blogging jobs

Toby Bloomberg over at Diva Marketing also puts a great group of resources together, with a beautiful little gem from Dave Taylor as he “throws down the gauntlet” and offers up his own challenge to a few bloggers to help them increase their AdSense revenue

In one of those business altering moments, I read Jim Hopkins’ post “For female entrepreneurs, the cost of being cautious“. If you are a business owner and your business isn’t growing the way you had hoped, this is a must read. I think - especially for mom entrepreneurs - that just starting up your own business is big risk in and of itself. But to consider getting financing? Perhaps too much so. We think of the risk of taking on a business loan, instead of looking at the COST of NOT taking on a business loan. A great read, Jim. Thanks for the virtual kick in the pants!

And finally, even though I already linked to it once this week, I have to link to it again, because it’s perhaps the funniest post I have ever read. EVER. Dooce is a ‘household’ name in the mommy blogging world, and has taken a lot of heat in order to blaze a trail for the rest of the mommy blogosphere. She takes it all with a grain of salt (and hopefully with a bottle of wine), and turns the tables in this post highlighting the onslaught of hate mail she receives. You GO girl!!

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4 Comments on “MVPs for Friday August 25th”

  1. Adsense Planet » MVPs for Friday August 25th Says:

    […] Original post by eMoms at Home. To read the full article visit: eMoms at Home […]

  2. Eric Allam Says:

    Thanks for the mention! It’s been interesting to see the converstation start to change around the notion of a blogging job. I think as more business start to see the power in blogging, and how much time it takes to actually become a good blogger, they will look for ways to find them.

  3. cjcm Says:

    I checked out the post mentioned by eMom at Pheeww…..from the SEO point of view ….nice works. One long post….at the time of writng this comment, there were 570 comments from that one post alone…and still counting I guess.

    I remember reading a post about ‘101 ways to increase traffic to your blog’. I’d add abnother one, the latest one being something like this:

    102. Write on something that will make a lot people..I mean really a lot of people hate or critize you… The more people hate you the merrier.

    Cool ehhh?

  4. Toby Says:

    Thanks for the shout out. Quite amazing what has happened in our social media/blog industry in what seems like a nano second. People earning a living (or part of one) blogging! What will the next 6-months bring?
