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Quick and Nutritious Breakfast Smoothies for Your Kids


When my first two kids were both around 3 years old, every morning for breakfast they would have a smoothie. I bet that sounds like I was up at the crack of dawn cutting up fruit and crushing ice, but I can assure you that breakfast smoothies at our house were a much simpler affair.

My kids didn’t like to eat breakfast before about 8:30, but we’re out the door early during the week. This can be a problem! We also don’t have a lot of time to make elaborate meals to entice the kids to eat at that hour, so the solution I came up with is super-easy smoothies.

  1. Dump one of those huge 32 oz. tubs of yogurt into a medium bowl. I used Brown Cow Vanilla, but any flavor your kids like will work. (If they drink from sippy cups or don’t like “texture” in their food, be sure not to get a flavor that has chunks in it.)
  2. Add about a quart of milk, two cups of unsweetened apple sauce, and one cup of dry milk powder.
  3. Either blend it with a whisk or zap it with an immersion blender. (Immersion blenders work best because there are no lumps and mixing goes quickly.)
  4. Pour this mixture into a gallon pitcher or empty gallon milk jug, add enough milk to fill to the top, and shake.
  5. Store in the fridge and give it a quick shake before serving. Easy, tasty and kid-approved!

My kids drank 9 ounces of this every morning and were filled up enough to make it out of the house and be cheery until snack time at school. If they needed something extra, I give them some dry cereal in cups in the car. A very quick and easy kid breakfast on the go. I hope your kids like it!

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